
How is a Monstera Variegata propagated?

How is a Monstera Variegata propagated?

When we make cuttings of our Monstera Variegata motherplants, we sometimes sell wetstick packages for people who would like to grow their own Monstera Variegata from a cutting.   How do we propagat...
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SOS browning leaves

SOS browning leaves

  You’ve taken great care of your precious Monstera Variegata and then all of a sudden, there it is, a brown spot. You start to panic because you are sure that your plant is dying.   Rule number 1:...
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Caresheet Monstera Variegata

Caresheet Monstera Variegata

For all those who lost their MV caresheet and also for all of you who want to become a MV parent and want to be prepared, I am posting here the text of the caresheet:  Your Monstera Variegata like...
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