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SOS browning leaves

SOS browning leaves

  You’ve taken great care of your precious Monstera Variegata and then all of a sudden, there it is, a brown spot. You start to panic because you are sure that your plant is dying.   Rule number 1:...
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How to take care of your Strelitzia

How to take care of your Strelitzia

This stunner prefers lots of sunlight and lots of water in summer. In winter she will go dormant and will need significantly less. Whatever the season, she likes her soil to dry out a little before...
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Caresheet Monstera Variegata

Caresheet Monstera Variegata

Para todos aquellos que perdieron su hoja de cuidados de la Monstera Variegata y también para todos los que quieran convertirse en padres de una MV y quieran estar preparados, aquí les dejo el text...
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Root Airflow & Oxygen Circulation

Root Airflow & Oxygen Circulation

If your chosen potting media stays continuously moist for too long (say it doesn’t require water for 10-15 days or more), it may need more airflow or you’re risking the onset of the dreaded root ro...
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